Hon. Carlos Cascos
Board Member

Prior to serving as the Secretary of State of Texas, Secretary Cascos served as the Cameron County Commissioner from 1991 through 2002. In 2006, he was elected Cameron County Judge, and was re-elected in 2010 & 2014. Secretary Cascos has also served as a board member of the Cameron County Appraisal District, Member of the Cameron County Juvenile Board and a member on the TechPrep Board of Directors.
In 2004, Governor Rick Perry appointed Carlos to the Department of Public Safety Commission, where he served for 2 years until his resigning in 2006 to run for County Judge. In 2008, Governor Perry asked Carlos to serve as the Chairman of the State’s Border Security Council. Most recently, July 2012, the Texas Department of Transportation asked Carlos to serve on the Panama Canal Stakeholder Workgroup as Vice-Chair, to obtain input on issues & opportunities associated with the expansion of the Panama Canal & its impact on Texas Gulf Ports.
As Governor Greg Abbott’s first appointment, the Governor appointed Carlos as the 110th Texas Secretary of State. Carlos served from March 7, 2015 thru January 4, 2017. As Secretary of State, Carlos visited over 140 Texas Cities, Canada & Mexico, promoting Texas.
Because of his strong commitment to public service, Carlos has been a board member of numerous civic and non-profit organizations, such as the United Way of Southern Cameron County, Sunrise Rotary Club, Leadership Brownsville, Brownsville Economic Development Council, Brownsville Metropolitan Planning Organization, Saint Joseph’s Academy Athletic Booster Club, Saint Mary’s School Board and many other organizations. Carlos is married to Candi and together, they have two daughters, Casandra and Andrea and Joaquin Antonio, their only grandson.